IRIS WEEKEND – MORAY – Thursday 11th August 2022

Thursday – Team arrival in Moray

Friday morning – Planning / flyers / lanyards / prayer / prep

Friday afternoon – Treasure hunt in Findhorn Foundation – pointing to Spiritual Fair on Saturday afternoon in Forres

Friday evening – (7:30pm St Leonards Hall, Forres) Equipping church volunteers for street evangelism in Forres

Saturday daytime – (10:00am start – St Leonards Hall, Forres) Treasure hunting / Street work in Forres – pointing to beach night and Sunday night – Spiritual Fair in hall at St Leonards ?

Saturday evening – beach time / worship on Findhorn Beach (I might have access to 2 beach huts)

Sunday evening – (6:30pm – 7:45pm) UNITE service at St Laurence, Forres

Dyke and Edinkillie Parish Church of Scotland, online and in the community.